War Cycle Charts
This is a brief explanation of the War Cycles mentioned in the Blood Moons Revisited teaching.
What is the significance of the Blood Moons? The Jewish Talmud (book of tradition / Interpretation) says; “When the moon is in eclipse, it is a bad omen for Israel. If its face is as red as blood, (it is a sign that) the sword is coming to the world.”
September 11, 1999 was called “the day that everything changes” and that on the next Rosh ha Shanah—September 29, 2000, a war cycle would begin that would continue until Messiah ben David came. “It is the day that the final judgment on the nations begins”. This war cycle began on September 30, 2000 when Ariel Sharon went up on to the Temple Mount and declared the prophecy of Ezekiel 27, that Hashem would bring the two sticks together - the stick of Judah and the stick of Joseph. Islam declared an Intifada that day and the seven-year war cycles began. They have been increasing in intensity every seven years.
In the middle of these four war cycles, we had the Blood Moon tetrad, which was a warning of an Islamic invasion of the nations. (see "Islam and the Eight Blood Moon Tetrads" chart below to see the link between Blood Moon Tetrads and Islam.) I also believe they were warning that we would see four war cycles (the first beginning on Rosh Hashanah, September 30, 2000 and the last ending on Yom Kippur, September 30, 2028.
The significance of 28 years in the bible: Joshua (a type of Messiah) ruled for 28 years. Seven years to conquer the Land, seven years to settle the Tribes, and fourteen years to rule. King Josiah (also a type of Messiah) ruled for 28 years as well.
We are currently in the Fourth War Cycle which started on September 7, 2021.
On 8/21/17 (Elul 1) the U.S. experienced a total solar eclipse that was seen across the entire continent. Seven years later, the U.S. will experience another solar eclipse across the entire continent, from the opposite direction, crossing over an area called "Little Egypt". This appears to be a warning of a harvest time in the U.S. or possibly the judgment of End-Time Egypt (America).

The Lord's Perfect Sign Charts
As you can see from the charts below, each Blood Moon Tetrad over the years has had a series of eclipses on each side of the Tetrad. Although there have been eight Tetrads since the year 1AD, I am only showing three examples. The Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014/15 was unique in that it was completely symmetrical. The Tetrad Midpoint of 1/5/15 was the day of an ancient Christian holiday of Epiphany. Epiphany was the first holiday declared by the Roman Church.

Islam and the Eight Blood Moon Tetrads
As you can see, there have been eight Blood Moon Tetrads since the year 162AD. Except for the first one, all of them are linked to an Islamic invasion in the world. The last Tetrad in 2014/15 was warning of a global invasion as a form of judgment. The goal is to harvest Ephraim and Judah out of the nations, and bring them back to the Land of Israel so that Messiah can come to establish the Kingdom of God on the earth.
Islam and the Eight Blood Moon Tetrads
As you can see, there have been eight Blood Moon Tetrads since the year 162AD. Except for the first one, all of them are linked to an Islamic invasion in the world. The last Tetrad in 2014/15 was warning of a global invasion as a form of judgment. The goal is to harvest Ephraim and Judah out of the nations, and bring them back to the Land of Israel so that Messiah can come to establish the Kingdom of God on the earth.

Four War Cycles, Four Cycles of Harvest
Because of the effect of Islam in spreading throughout the nations, we are experiencing a Harvest of Judah (the Jews) and Ephraim (the ten tribes lost in the nations and in Christianity and Islam). Several Harvest events are happening all at one time:
Islam is spreading throughout Europe and America, bringing terror attacks. In many cases, the Jews are leaving these nations and making aliyah back to Israel. Note the coin that was minted by ISIS that is embossed with seven stalks of wheat. They are the vehicle that God is using to harvest His people.
There is a large Torah awakening in the Christian community. Many bible-believing Christians are awakening to their "Hebrew Roots". They are studying Torah, keeping Sabbath and the biblical Feasts, and many have a desire to move to Israel as well.
There is an awakening among the Jewish people to these events, and a willingness to welcome and teach these new Torah-followers. We are seeing a new partnership between Jew and Christian (people of The Book), as well as congenial dialogue between Judah and Ephraim.
We are currently in the Fourth War Cycle, the "Shriveled Wheat". This is the difficult harvest when persecution will increase and it will be more difficult to leave our respective nations to return to the Land. At some point, it seems that people will have to flee for their lives to escape persecution. It is also possible that it refers to literal famine in the nations.
At the end of this War Cycle on September 30, 2028, we will either see the coming of Messiah to complete the gathering of all twelve tribes and win back the Land from her enemies (called the Tribulation), or we will see this Messianic Coming/Tribulation during the last War Cycle, with his victory at the end. As always, we are looking at future events through a dark glass - it is impossible to predict what WILL happen, only speculate about the different scenarios that are coming. For an in-depth study of the Restoration of the Kingdom, you can watch my teaching on the book of Numbers: The Restoration.